Whatever happened to Bodycall?

Last update:8 October, 2023 | Author: Andy | Category: News

Hello, first of all thank you for your interest in Bodycall after all these years of inactivity.

I guess if you are here and reading this, it means that for some strange reason you would like to know what is going on with Bodycall.

It has been almost 10 years since last post on this website. This post has been written because of the quick overhaul that is done on this website.

It is being worked on as it is my intention (Andy) to keep it online indefinitely and let all those interested download our music.

Bodycall is currently on hiatus, with almost no chance of making any music as a duo ever again (not meaning that we won’t make some different type of music together).

However, from time to time a new song comes out under Bodycall name, made by Andy, featuring Polish language vocals.

Remixes are also possible.

Nowadays, almost all spare time I can commit to the scene is devoted to Halotan Records – dark electro music label.

It makes most sense to use my experience to help young artists to emerge rather than keep being active in the scene in my late forties.

When you are too old to be a player, you can always become a coach – this sort of thinking.